Search results
Section #hits
Precursor miRNA 4
Mature miRNA 1
Dead 0
Previous ID 1
Dead entry previous ID 0
Previous mature ID 0
Gene symbols 4
All matches 5

There are no results in this section matching "hsa-miR-3670"

Your query "hsa-miR-3670" returned 5 results

Name Accession Chromosome Start End Strand Confidence

Your query "hsa-miR-3670" matched 4 hairpin entries

Name Accession Chromosome Start End Strand Confidence

Your query "hsa-miR-3670" matched 1 mature entries

Name Accession

Your query "hsa-miR-3670" matched previous IDs of 1 hairpin entries

Name Accession Chromosome Start End Strand Confidence Previous ID

Your query "hsa-miR-3670" matched the gene symbol(s) of 4 entries

Name Gene symbol Site