miRBase entry: mmu-mir-297a-1

Stem-loop mmu-mir-297a-1

Mus musculus mmu-mir-297a-1 precursor miRNA
Gene family
MIPF0000204; mir-297

Literature search
12 open access papers mention mmu-mir-297a-1
(15 sentences)


4894 reads, 3936 reads per million, 89 experiments

auaug            U             C       u 
     uauguauguAUG AUGUGUGCAUGUG AUGUgca g
     |||||||||||| ||||||||||||| |||||||  
     guacauacguau uauauauguacgu uauacgu u
----u            -             -       a 

Annotation confidence Not enough data
Do you think this miRNA is real?
Houbaviy et al. report that the cloned sequence of miR-297 is found over 20 times in the mouse genomic sequence [1]. This sequence appears to match several low complexity repetitive regions. Confidence in which loci actually express miR-297 is low because of the low complexity nature of the sequence. The mature sequence shown here represents the most commonly cloned form from large-scale cloning studies [2]. The ends of the miRNA may be offset with respect to previous annotations.

Genome context
chr7: 10958437-10958512 [-]

Database links

Mature mmu-miR-297a-5p

Accession MIMAT0000375
Description Mus musculus mmu-miR-297a-5p mature miRNA
Evidence experimental
cloned [1], Illumina [2-3]
Database links
Predicted targets


  1. PubMed ID: 17604727
    A mammalian microRNA expression atlas based on small RNA library sequencing
    "Landgraf P, Rusu M, Sheridan R, Sewer A, Iovino N, Aravin A, Pfeffer S, Rice A, Kamphorst AO, Landthaler M, Lin C, Socci ND, Hermida L, Fulci V, Chiaretti S, Foa R, Schliwka J, Fuchs U, Novosel A, Muller RU, Schermer B, Bissels U, Inman J, Phan Q, Chien M"
    "Cell (2007) 129:1401-1414

  2. PubMed ID: 12919684
    Embryonic stem cell-specific MicroRNAs
    "Houbaviy HB, Murray MF, Sharp PA"
    "Dev Cell (2003) 5:351-358